Eyelid Surgery

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EyelidSurgery_MedicalOneNY Blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, is among the top 5 most popular surgical procedures today. When you feel your eyes look older or more tired, or sad, it’s comforting to know there are truly simple solutions with surgery. Our first connection and interaction with others is through eye contact. If you lack confidence in the appearance of your eyes, eyelid surgery may be right for you.
Eyelid surgery rejuvenates the area around the eyes, providing a more rested and youthful appearance. Eyelid surgery may involve the upper eyelids, lower eyelids, or both. This procedure involves removing excess skin (sagging, lax, or wrinkled tissue) and/or fatty pads in upper or lower eyelids. This procedure does not move or lift the eyebrow.
Men and women today choose eyelid surgery to improve self-confidence and appreciate that it is a safe and affordable surgical procedure with minimal downtime.
The more we can educate you on eyelid surgery treatment options available, the better we can work together with you to select the appropriate procedure. Please contact Medical First Aesthetics to schedule a complimentary consultation with our Board Certified Plastic Surgeons today.

What is the cost of Eyelid Surgery at Medical First New York?

The price of eyelid surgery is determined by the procedural needs of the patient.

How long do results last from eyelid surgery?

Are results going to last a lifetime? … a common question. The best answer is that most patients do not have repetitive eyelid surgeries in their lives. Results will last years most definitely, but no procedure stops the aging process. If you should have a procedure in your 30’s or 40’s, you may desire it again in late 50’s or 60’s. Avoiding sun exposure and caring for your skin following the procedure will protect the investment of surgery and prolong an aging appearance.

Who performs Eyelid Surgery at Medical First New York?

Meet Dr. Wendy Olivier, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

Eyelid Surgery Q&A

What is the recovery time following eyelid surgery?
Following eyelid surgery, there will be expected swelling, mild to moderate discomfort, and many patients may experience temporary bruising. Sutures will be placed on discreet incision lines. We will discuss in great detail how to prepare for the procedure as well as provide instructions so you’re prepared following your surgery. Sutures are traditionally in place for a week, and post-surgical symptoms improve over the course of 1-2 weeks. Most patients wear eyeglasses and sunglasses to camouflage the eye area. Depending upon work atmosphere, many patients return to work within a few days.
Is eyelid surgery painful?
Most patients would not describe the post-surgery experience as painful, however some discomfort and irritation is common. OTC (over the counter) Tylenol is often enough to provide some relief, as well as ice packs, elevating the head during rest periods, and avoiding weight lifting. Normal activities are common just a few days following the procedure.