Vaginal Repair

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types-body-shapes-800x800Vaginoplasty/Vaginal Repair is a reconstructive plastic surgery and cosmetic procedure to tighten the vigina. During the delivery of a baby, the vaginal wall and sourounding tissues becomes streched. After delivery vagine may not return to its original structure and function. Vaginal rejuvenation combined with labiaplasty can restore and enhance the vagina’s cosmetic appearance and function.

Labiaplasty is a vaginoplastic surgery technique for reducing the size the genital labia — either the majora or the minora — which are any of the four folds of tissue of the vulva. It can be performed as a discrete surgery, or as a subordinate procedure within a vaginoplasty.

Hymen Reconstruction is the surgical restoration of the hymen. The term comes from the Greek words hymen meaning membrane, and raphe meaning suture. It is also known as hymenoplasty

Dr. Sue Zhou, is a subspecialist, board certified in female pelvic reconstructive surgery, and in obstetrics and gynecology. She is a meticulous surgeon with over 10 years of surgical experiences in evaluating and repairing the pelvic floor and vagina. She performs complex and the full spectrum of pelvic surgeries, and now she is bring her expertise to Medical First New York, offering advanced, minimally invasive, micro surgery for hymen reconstruction, labial reduction (labiaplasty) and clitoral hood reduction for patients with enlarged, hypertrophic, or asymmetrical labia minora, labia majora, and/or clitoral hood.

As a woman and mother, she understands and respect women’s concerns for their most private body area. She will discuss your concerns and address your questions with medical expertise. You will be evaluated by Dr. Zhou with a pre-surgical consultation and thorough gynecological examination prior to the surgery. Individual needs and expectations are discussed at this time. Patients are individually counseled and educated on what to expect, including possible risks, benefits, and options. We maintain the utmost in patient confidentiality.

Surgical procedures are done as outpatient at Medical First New York.

After the surgery, it is recommended to avoid sex, tampons, and douching for six weeks. Patients should return to the office six weeks after the surgery for a follow-up exam.