Varicose Veins

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Medical First Doctors will custom tailor a vein treatment program to help you and your legs to look and feel their best.

Varicose Veins and Spider Veins are the most common disorder that effect the look and health of your legs. These problems result when the vein valves that prevent blood from flowing in the wrong direction (reflux) become weak or malfunction. This causes blood to pool in the veins, forcing them to protrude from the skin and becoming rope-like and varicose. This increased venous pressure can lead to the failure of other vein valves and to the development of other vein related problems.

Varicose Veins can occur in any vein within the body but are most commonly located in the lower extremities such as your legs. Varicose veins are enlarged veins due to increased pressure within the vein itself. The increased pressure causes the vein wall to expand, and overtime, enlarge and cause varicosities. A variety of treatments are available to address this problem.

Because veins in the lower extremity are interconnected, pressure can be transmitted directly throughout the entire venous system and create visible problems anywhere in the lower extremities. The lower extremities contain essentially three levels of veins. The superficial, the deep, and the veins that connect these two systems together called perforators.

Most problems arise from the superficial system and the perforators. Within these veins are one-way valves that prevent blood from flowing away from the heart between heartbeats. When these valves no longer function properly, blood flows away from the heart and will remain within the vein longer than it should. As a result, pooled blood enlarges the vein and it becomes varicose.

For some patients, varicose veins are nothing more than a cosmetic issue. For others, these enlarged veins could lead to complications of varicosities including ulcers, pain, thrombophlebitis or infections of the veins and the tissue around the veins.

The treatment of veins, whether for symptoms, cosmetics or resulting from complications, is a health care issue that needs the involvement of a highly experienced physician.